Month July 2022

What is the Tapeworm Diet?

The tapeworm diet is a weight-loss fad diet that involves intentionally infecting oneself with a tapeworm. While this sounds horrifically grotesque, women in the Victorian era really did use this method in their quest to achieve a thinner waistline. This…

What is the Clay Diet?

The Clay Diet: In our quest to familiarise you with the crazy trends being introduced in the modern diet culture, here we are with yet another article about a diet that promotes Geophagia also known as the practice of eating…

What is the Cotton Ball Diet?

The Cotton Ball Diet is a fad diet that has been circulating online for several years. The diet requires eating only cotton balls for a period of time, usually two weeks. Although there are no scientific studies to support the…

What is the Werewolf Diet?

The werewolf diet is a type of intermittent fasting that involves eating and fasting according to lunar phases. This diet is said to help with weight loss, increased energy levels, and better mental clarity. As with all fad diets, it’s…

Losing Weight After 50

How men and women can lose weight at 50 For many people, maintaining a healthy weight or losing excess body fat can become harder as the years go by. Unhealthy habits, a mostly sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary choices, and metabolic…

What is the ABC Diet?

Our media, be it social media or mainstream media, has given the spotlight to this ever-so-toxic and draining culture of diets. The idea that there is some ideal body type, physique or shape has proven to be the modern way…