What is the Sacred Heart Diet?

The Sacred Heart Diet is believed to have begun at the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital. However, so far no reliable evidence of this has been found. By looking at this fad diet, we can safely assume that the motive of…

Water Weight vs. Fat Loss

Losing Wаtеr Wеight. Aррrоximаtеlу 50-60% of оur bоdу weight iѕ mаdе uр оf wаtеr. Thiѕ water iѕ distributed bеtwееn three compartments: within сеllѕ, in the tissue surrounding сеllѕ, аnd in thе blооd. Water wеight iѕ аnу excess water rеtаinеd by…

What is the Cigarette Diet?

Yeah, you read that right! The founder didn’t even bother disguising, so here comes the worst, ugliest and the evilest fad diet. It’s called the Cigarette diet and for all the true reasons. We weren’t surprised to know that this…

Risks of the Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is a type of low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that has gained widespread attention in recent years due to the widespread belief that it offers numerous health benefits. However, taking into consideration the large number of people who are…

What is the Vision Diet?

The diet and weight loss industry has never disappointed us when creating diet plans that make no absolute sense and are more comical than healthy. Here’s yet another fad diet that made us question the sanity of its founder. This…